
Create Your Own Success as a Candidate


Create Your Own Success as a Candidate

Welcome back, as always, it is such a pleasure to see you here!

This week we want to address all the agriculture job candidates out there and offer some useful information to help you be the best possible applicant you can. We’ve come up with a few pointers to help set you up for success.

So, you are in the job market! That’s great, and at Drover Ag, we can support you in your journey. Read on and gather some insight from the perspective of the employer and the recruiter.

Be prepared

Sounds straight forward and simple enough! Well, it is if you are prepared. Be prepared and know what it is you are stepping forward and asking for.

Before you even look at a job vacancy, get your resumé up to date, all the way up to date! There are great templates out there that can help format all your information; we strongly urge you to use one like this or similar.

[Resumé Template]

When preparing your resumé, take time and make sure all your grammar and details are correct. Proofread and then proofread again! Ideally, have someone else check it too, they could pick up things you may have missed. This is your first impression, so make it a good one. Include your references on your resumé – at a minimum, you want to have two current and relevant references. This is critical and non-negotiable; every employer will want to speak to someone for whom you have worked. Show potential employers your highlight reel and glow up your experience and skills relevant to the position for which you are applying.

Be unique and let your personality shine through in your resumé. After all, this is the paper-based reflection of you as an employee.

Now you are prepared to start looking for vacancies and applying.

Read more below


Pay attention to the details

All too often we receive applications for positions where the applicant has no experience yet one of the criteria is, for example, a minimum of 3 years’ experience. Or we get messages from potential candidates looking for work who haven’t even been to the job board yet to see what is available. Do the research, look at the job board, find out what is available and get applying or register your interest through our Jobs In Agriculture Page.

Read the advertisement thoroughly and think seriously about whether or not you would be a good candidate. Maybe you are low on experience in the advertised field so think about possible transferable skills you have and how they may contribute to your potential success. Understand what your essential value is to an employer and speak of that in your cover letter. Be reasonable about your expectation of yourself and that of your potential employer.

Find out what you can about your potential employer and the vacancy through what is written in the advertisement and job description. Do some background research and find out more about the company, area and industry sector. If you are an informed candidate, this will pay off ten-fold for you. If you know what you are talking about and can show you have been independently resourceful and proactive, that will reflect very well for you.

Represent yourself

Congratulations, you have applied for the position and now its time to prepare for the next steps. This is where you should set a firm intention with yourself to be the best you can. Your capacity to succeed depends entirely on you and how you present yourself to potential employers.

Be available for phone interviews and monitor your inbox regularly so as not to miss any communication. Rest assured Drover Ag will always be in touch, you won’t need to chase us. Your phone interview is where you get to make your second good impression so maximise that opportunity.

We cannot impress on you enough the importance of being prepared! Practice interviewing in the mirror, do some research on how to be fabulous in an interview. Put in the effort because ultimately you want or likely need that job. Expend your energy on the areas that will reap the rewards for you.

Good luck, may your successes be golden, and your failures be opportunities from which you can learn.

Thanks for being here again, stay tuned for next weeks update.

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