Our team

Our experienced team of agricultural recruiters have all worked extensively in a range of agricultural sectors all across Australia. They have the experience to help you build your team for success.

John agricultural recruitment consultant

John Boote

Managing Director

recruitment consultant

Bec Vickers

Recruitment Manager

Katie Vohland

Recruitment Consultant

Haley Galea

Recruitment Consultant

Grace Perry

Recruitment Consultant

Let us solve your agricultural emloyment needs

Whether you are looking to fill a specific role, discuss employment solutions or simply want to find out more, we are excited to hear from you. Get in touch or register below at no cost.

From our blog

Keep up with the latest news from our blog.


5 star Google reviews. What our clients say about our…

AgriMaster Podcast Ep28: The challenge of finding and retaining farming employees

In 2023 John joined Agrimaster BOOTS OFF, LOG ON Podcast…

Building successful farm teams

In September 2022 John Boote from Drover Ag spoke to…

Drover Ag launches merchandise shop

Get your Drover Ag Merch now! Trucker Cap now available…

AgVenture Australia – Our New International Agricultural Recruitment Service

Drover Ag introduces new international program – AgVenture Australia.   Need energetic and…

Common interview questions for agriculture jobs in Australia (with answers!)

3 interview questions for agriculture jobs with answers: Read our sample questions you may be asked in your upcoming interview for a farm-work role.

Meet the Drover Ag Team

UPDATE 2022 – The Drover Ag team has grown to include specialised recruiters from rural backgrounds all over Australia. Visit the MEET THE TEAM page to meet are agricultural recruiters!

Training and Retaining For Success

In early March 2022 John Boote was invited to speak at the GRDC Farm Business Update conference. Here is a summary of John’s message to grain growers.

Welcome to Drover Ag – The Nuts & Bolts of it

You might be wondering what all the fuss is about…

Create Your Own Success as a Candidate

Welcome back, as always, it is such a pleasure to…