You might be wondering what all the fuss is about and what exactly it is that we can do for you?
If you were to take a moment and be honest with yourself, do you even enjoy recruiting new staff? Now don’t get me wrong, some people do – like the team at Drover Ag! If, however, you’re not like us and find it a tiresome chore then let me tell you about what we do and how we can help you.
Let’s start at the beginning
You know you need a new team member or an entire stockcamp. What’s next? Get in touch with Drover Ag. We will gather all the details from you. During the process, we will be listening carefully to get a real understanding of the type of person you need to fill the role and all the details which make up the role description. For us, it’s imperative to have a deep understanding of not only your business needs but your community, your culture and how you prefer to operate. This is what will guide us throughout the process of recruiting for you.
The advertisement
So, you’ve told us about your role, and we have listened carefully. Now is where we kick into top gear for you. A professional advertisement is written up and pushed out through all our social connections on the great wide web, trust us when we say we have the connections. We’ll push and boost that ad until we are happy with the number of responses we have received. From here we sift through those resumés and reject all the tyre-kickers & candidates that do not even remotely fit the bill. Once we have a shortlist compiled, we start reference checking and gathering more detailed information from the candidates. With all that information we put together a profile for the candidate and this is what you will get. A profile is like the result of a resumé, reference checking and interviewing all rolled into one easy to navigate document for you – all the nitty-gritty info you could ever need.

What’s left for you to do then?
Once you have your profiles from us, you can conduct your own short interviews and make a selection. No managing your advertising, no chasing resumés around your inbox, no reference checking, no extensive interviewing trying to suss-out from afar if this is the right candidate for the job. Simple, leg work and administration done just choose from the best candidates out there available for your role or roles.
Why use Drover Ag?
Now you might be wondering what makes us the standout, why use us over all the other agencies? First and foremost, it’s our team and our dedication to the pastoral industry. Everyone in the team has industry background from hands-on paddock experience through to management experience in varying sectors across Australia. We’ve all been there, the whole team, we get it. We’ve walked the mile in the same boots you are wearing right now. Drover Ag understands recruitment and the challenges it can entail as well as the value it can bring when done well. Functionally, in a nutshell, it’s the personalised, professional, timely (big emphasis here) and tailored approach we take with each and every client. Above all, we’ll keep you informed; you will hear back from us.
Keep in touch, look out for our blog next week where we introduce the team, and you can find out about the people that make us your recruitment company.